The BCSCC and Westcoast Sasquatch Meet with John Green
August 10, 2008
Mr. Green was given an honorary lifetime membership by club president John Kirk.
As we passed the Sasquatch Inn on our way towards Harrison Lake, it became clear that we were in the middle of Bigfoot country. Sasquatch Provincial Park provided the perfect setting for members of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club and Westcoast Sasquatch to sit down with famous Bigfoot researcher John Green.
The group was honoured to hear Mr. Green speak of the pioneering days of Sasquatch research. He kindly shared tales of working with the late Rene Dahinden, anecdotes about media interest in the matter, and even a story about the Cadborosaurus.
John has lived in the Harrison Lake area for some time and is intimately familiar with the land and its lore. As one of the most famous Sasquatch researchers and author of several books on the subject including Sasquatch: The Apes Among Us, an opportunity to hear Mr. Green’s stories first-hand is one that no true Bigfoot enthusiast should pass up, no matter how hard it is raining.
As people began to arrive at the appropriately-named Green Point Day Use Area, everyone was eager to lend a hand setting up the tarps and in just a short time we had established a small shelter with just enough room to keep everyone relatively dry.
The gathering was fortunate enough to have all three authors of Meet The Sasquatch present. Thomas Steenburg is an intrepid Sasquatch researcher who has conducted countless interviews and investigations. On the way up to the park he pointed out several spots along the road where actual sightings have taken place.
Chris Murphy from Hancock House Publishers actually presented a Sasquatch exhibit at the Vancouver Museum, also home to the HR Macmillan Planetarium. The Hoopa Project is an upcoming release from Hancock House about a former police investigator bringing a forensic sketch artist down to speak with members of the Hoopa tribe in Northern California about their local Sasquatch experiences. We got to see some of the resulting drawings in advance and they are magnificent.
And of course John Green, our guest of honour, was already interested in Bigfoot when Rene Dahinden, infamous Sasquatch researcher and star of a previous Kokanee advertising campaign, came onto the scene. It was fascinating to hear about how the Sasquatch phenomenon was once so popular it warranted its own section in the Vancouver Sun/Province at the time.
The rain let up and the sun managed to break through the clouds long enough for us all to take some group photos down on the beach of Harrison Lake. Mr. Green was also presented with a handsome certificate indicating his honorary lifetime membership in the BCSCC by club president John Kirk.